Happy Valentine’s Day

                   Upcoming Events in February and Beyond

 Sunday, Feb. 2nd – Celebrating communion as we continue our Luke series, (Adult) Jesus will speak for the first time in Luke (Ch. 4) defeating Satan with “Words of life.”

We’ll be introducing Kathy, Shelly and Staff of the TLC Preschool that begin classes downstairs in our basement classrooms in August. Following worship, we’ll have a welcoming time as the staff members of TLC have graciously volunteered to bring in treats and goodies. We’ll have coffee made so come back to fellowship hall after the service and say hi.

Sunday, Feb. 9th –  Cub Scout Sunday Troop 187 will be worshipping with us. The cub scouts will be greeting, handing out bulletins, reading scripture and announcements. During Sunday School our church Kids and Cub Scouts will be making Valentine Cards for folks at Alden care facility. As a community service project, the kids can join us (the Contemporary Team) the next Sunday at Alden to pass out the cards to the residents. The Genesis Handbells will perform during worship as well.

Sunday, Feb. 16th – Valentine Sunday wearing red. Choir practice at 8 am. The Whitechapel bells will perform during church. Sunday School for kids during worship. As mentioned above the Contemporary Team will be playing at Alden care facility at 2 pm. We’d love to have our church kids join us to pass out the Valentine cards they made to the residents, adults are welcome to join us.

Sunday, Feb. 23rd – Plaid Shirt (Workday) Sunday. Choir practices at 8 am. performs during church. Thanks to the trustees and women’s circle and everyone that’s pitched in preparing for TLC’s arrival in August. There’s much to do getting ready for the August start date. Please stay after church to lend a hand – plaid shirt optional.

Wednesday, March 5: Lent Begins

Sunday, April 13: Palm Sunday

Friday, April 18: Good Friday service 7 pm

Sunday, April 20: Easter   

Blessings, Pastor Michael


  • Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2025
  • Presidents Day, February 17, 2025

Love makes us worthy

Unlike God, who loves unconditionally, humans often make choices and set limits when doling out affection. But Thomas Merton reminds us, “Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody’s business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy.”

As for how to develop and maintain that type of love? Merton shares, “It is in deep solitude that I find the gentleness with which I can truly love my [neighbors].”

All the ways God helps us

When young adults land in difficult situations and desperately call home, parents respond in various ways. They might remind their son or daughter of guidelines learned years back — behavior and problem-solving skills to get back on track. Or maybe parents direct their kids to a mentor, expert or resource for assistance. But if the crisis is severe, no doubt these loving parents hop in the car, or even on a plane, and go to their child. They embrace and support them, perhaps even taking initial steps to bring them through the chaos to a new beginning.

When the people of Israel were in the wilderness, exile and countless difficulties in between, God lovingly used each of these strategies. God reminded Israel of the Ten Commandments and other laws he gave to guide their life together. Sometimes he sent prophets and other leaders to direct the people into better ways and times. God does the same today, reminding us of Scripture’s guidance and sending us prophetic voices and wise leaders.

Above all, when nothing less would save people, ancient and modern, from the dangers of sin and death, God came to us as Jesus. God’s only Son walked with us, lived through our troubles alongside us, taught us new ways directly and brought us out of the problematic place where we were trapped and into a new beginning. —Heidi Hyland Mann

Kindness Kickbacks

Random Acts of Kindness Day, observed each year on February 17, is a reminder of the power of altruism. Followers of Jesus express kindness selflessly, out of love for God and our neighbors. Yet in return, we reap emotional — and even physical — benefits.

Researchers have identified a “helper’s high” that can ease anxiety and depression. Spontaneous or planned acts of “pro-social spending” have been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve heart health, reduce pain and even extend longevity.

For maximum impact, experts recommend getting creative with random acts of kindness and mixing them up. But no matter how you spread kindness, you’re bound to experience blessings in return!

Valentines for Kids

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for schoolchildren and sweethearts. Loving parents should strive to give their children these life-changing gifts during February and beyond.

  • Acceptance: Say and show that you love children for who they are. Give this gift with a kiss.
  • Self-confidence: Help boost kids’ trust in themselves. Give this gift with a hug.
  • Peace: Model how to give your worries to God. Offer this present with laughter.
  • Gratitude: Help children be genuinely thankful for each new day and for all of life. Give this gift as they go out the door.
  • Faith: Introduce children to Jesus, the best friend they’ll ever have. Do this by taking them to church and Sunday school regularly.

“I am Here”

In Bread for the Journey, theologian Henri J.M. Nouwen calls consolation — from “to be with” (con-) “the lonely one” (solus) — “one of the most important ways to care.” He writes, “Life is so full of pain, sadness and loneliness that we often wonder what we can do to alleviate the immense suffering we see.”

Although consoling doesn’t necessarily remove someone’s pain, Nouwen notes that it serves a deeper purpose: To console means “to be there and say, ‘You are not alone, I am with you. Together we can carry the burden. Don’t be afraid. I am here.’ That is consolation. We all need to give it as well as to receive it.”


February Mission of the Month:  Family Health Partnership